Athlete of the Month – September 2022 – Marcelo Nogoseke

Meet Marcelo Nogoseke!

Name: Marcelo Nogoseke

Age: 45

Occupation: Aerospace Engineer

Years doing triathlon? 5

First Triathlon? My first triathlon race was the Ishigaki Triathlon. It was an Olympic distance triathlon held in Ishigaki, Japan.

Your favorite triathlon? 
All my past races bring me good memories but there my first race, in Ishigaki, is still my favorite one. The place is amazing, the race was super well organized, the whole community gets involved and it creates a really good feeling. I hope to have the opportunity to return to race there again.

Meal the night before race?  I usually go for something really simple dish. Usually pasta.

Race Nutrition?  It depends on the race distance. For shorter events, just just 1 or 2 gels and sports drink. For longer races, I like to bring also some energy bars and dehydrate bananas to eat during the bike leg.

Favorite motivational training song? I don’t think I have one. During training, for bike training I usually listen to songs with more power. Anything like 70’s rock works. For running, I prefer something more calm.

Favorite mantra?  
Learn to rest not quit.

Key Workout?  
I love my weekend long rides and runs.

Best Triathlon training or racing tip?  Consistency is everything.

Triathlon literature or other sources of information?  I really enjoy the book “Daniel’s running formula”, by coach Jack Daniels.

Who inspires you?  
Hiromu Inada and Dick Hoyt are two huge inspirational references.

Future goal or bucket list race?  To race a full ironman distance.

If you see Marcelo, be sure to congratulate him on being our AOM!

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