Athlete of the Month – Nov 2015 – Pete Barusic

Name: Pete Barusic
Age: 46
Occupation: Physical Therapist
Years doing triathlon? 5 months
First Triathlon? Tri for Hospice
Your favorite triathlon? Beach2Battleship
Meal the night before race? Pasta with chicken and a baked potato
Pre-Race Meal? Oatmeal or blueberry muffin, banana, coffee and gatorade
Race Nutrition?
Bike: Gatorade/water, cliff bars, PB&J, GU.
Run: Whatever is at the aid station.
Favorite motivational training song? “Hero” or “Awake&Alive” by Skillet
Favorite mantra? There is nothing that I will face during training or in an event that compares to the struggles of others who are running their own health related marathon or triathlons. I know where my finish line is and every race I enter is my choice.
Key Workout? Prior to this year I would have said tempo run. This year I feel any distance brick training has made the most impact on my overall conditioning.
Best Triathlon training or racing tip? Get hooked up with others that are stronger athletes to push you and join a training group and link workouts on strava and other app to stay motivated. There is nothing better than to watch yourself and those in the group grow stronger week by week. Lastly, don’t think about it, just do it. I could not swim 25 yards in February without wanting to stop.
Triathlon literature or other sources of information? Other TTT members, internet
Who inspires you? My friend, Paula, who has stage 4 metastatic breast cancer, who was given less than a year to live in February, who refuses to give up. She has the greatest and most positive attitude despite. her prognosis.
Future goal? NYC marathon, and any 70.3 or 140.6 in which other TTT members are going to compete. Misery loves company!

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