Name: Phillip Arrington
Age: 29
Occupation: CIP Construction – Engineer
Years doing triathlon? 3 years
First Triathlon? Try a Tri for Hospice Super Sprint May 2014
Your favorite triathlon? IM Augusta 70.3
Meal the night before race? Nothing outside of the ordinary food wise, lots of water leading up to race day.
Pre-Race Meal? PB&J on Wheat Bread and Coffee a couple hours before and an espresso gel 15-20 minutes before the start.
Race Nutrition? Gatorade, Clif Shot Blox, Clif Bar on longer courses
Favorite motivational training song? “More” – Usher
Favorite mantra? Just keep (swimming; spinning; running), Just keep (swimming; spinning; running)
Key Workout? Open Water Swims at Mary’s
Best Triathlon training or racing tip? Training: Follow your training plan, but pay attention to what your body is telling you, don’t injure yourself before the race. If you train well, race day will be the easiest and most fun part of the whole thing.
Racing: Trust your training, Save something for the Run, even if that means not having your greatest bike split.
Triathlon literature or other sources of information? I followed “Ironfit Secrets for Half Iron-Distance Triathlon Success” which lead to a very successful first 1/2 Ironman in Augusta. Planning on using “Be Ironfit” for my full Ironman in 2017.
Who inspires you? Family, specifically my daughter. When she was born is when I decided I needed to start a healthier lifestyle to keep up with her. It started with a healthier diet (a variation of low carb, high fat/protein, which I follow more loosely than I should these days), cycling until it got “too cold” which led to running and eventually swimming/triathlon. 3 years later I sure am glad I made this change because as I suspected she keeps me on my toes and always going!
Future goal? Ironman Chattanooga