Athlete of the Month – Feb 2016 – Melissa Roberts

Name: Melissa Roberts
Age: 43
Occupation: CEO of the Roberts’ household
Years doing triathlon? 2.5 years
First Triathlon? Ramblin Rose, Sept 2013
Your favorite triathlon? Beach 2 Battleship, it was my first half. I never thought I would ever do such a distance, and it was a huge deal for me.
Meal the night before race? I don’t have a regular meal, just whatever where ever I am.
Pre-Race Meal? Peanut butter toast, banana, coffee
Race Nutrition? Sport beans and chia bars
Favorite motivational training song? I don’t have just one, I really like the “rock my run” app, the song mixes really keep me going.
Favorite mantra? “The mind quits before the body, so just keep moving forward”
Key Workout? Bricks, bricks, bricks
Best Triathlon training or racing tip? I don’t feel qualified to give any, but for me to keep training consistent, fuel up right, and keep negative thoughts out of my head!
Triathlon literature or other sources of information? I usually read articles and will research online anything that I am needing to learn about. Or go to our awesome coaches on the team.
Who inspires you? My TTT peeps, every day in every way.
Future goal? An iron man branded race, signed up for Augusta!!!

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