Athlete of the Month – July 2015 – Simon Cloutier

Name: Simon Cloutier
Age: 38
Occupation: Engineer
Years doing triathlon? 3
First Triathlon? White Lake International
Your favorite triathlon? Anything in Mont-Tremblant!
Meal the night before race? Varies, but typically a lean meat with some dark green veggies
Pre-Race Meal? BulletProof Coffee, Eggs, and…… BACON
Race Nutrition? Depends on duration but for Ironman or 70.3’s I do Branched Chain Amino Acids, Chia Bars, UCAN superstartch. Sprints and International’s typically have nothing up to perhaps a Chia bar with 1 peanut butter GU immediately before the run.
Favorite motivational training song? I don’t really listen to music while training or racing. I do listen to fitness/nutrition podcasts while running.
Favorite mantra? Only JOY!!!
Key Workout? For Ironman distances, you need to get the long bike/run weekend combo. Time in the saddle and on your feet.
Best Triathlon training or racing tip? It all boils down to nutrition. No one can finish a 70.3 or longer without an adequate race nutrition strategy and no one can PR without a dialed in nutrition strategy.
Triathlon literature or other sources of information? The Paleo Diet for Athletes by Loren Cordan and Joe Friel. (I don’t follow a Paleo diet, but this book isn’t Paleo and offers a lot of insight on nutrition for most any diet)
Who inspires you? There are so many awesome athletes in and around Greensboro. I’m not the type of person to have idols or the likes, but seeing the truly WORLD CLASS athletes that live right in our own back yard is inspiring. We have athletes that are US champion swimmers, cyclists, triathletes, etc. Most every endurance sport has awesome representation in Greensboro.
Future goal? Not quite sure yet. I am signed up for the 2015 B2B Full… that’s my next future goal. My ultimate bucket list race is also up in the air… but I would love to get into the Norseman Extreme Triathlon!

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