Letter from the President December 2020


Hi Team!

Well we are wrapping up the year, and hoping for 2021 to be a year we can race and get together, I am optimistic it will be. Thank you all for hanging in there with us as we navigated through this crazy time.

We have new members joining the TTT board, read more below to see who! We will be meeting to plan out a “funtastic” year for the team.

If there is something you want to see happen, or be offered, reach out to me, or any board member. As a board we represent you, the team! Have a great December, make those 2021 goals and let us know how we can help you reach them!

Another huge “thank you!” to our sponsors and partners, they really have helped us out this crazy year. Remember to send your business their way when you can.

Stay healthy and happy!

Melissa Roberts

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